PAT chief Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, who left Pakistan for the US on Wednesday morning, will have his angiography on Tuesday in Houston. According to Dr Mansoor, medical consultant of Dr Qadri, three days i.e. Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be required to normalize his high blood pressure. There will be complete medical examination on Monday and angiography is expected on Tuesday.
According to PAT spokesperson, Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri rested for 15 hours in Dubai and flew for Houston at 9:15 am (Friday) via Emirates Flight EK-211. He will go to hospital directly from airport on landing. His medical consultant said that Dr Qadri was rested for 15 hours because constant journey was not suitable for his health. A large number of Pakistanis gathered outside Dubai airport on hearing about his arrival. However, the PAT chief could not meet them due to poor health. A large number of passengers welcomed him at the airport and prayed for his early recovery.