PAT Secretary General Khurram Nawaz Gandapur has asked the leaders of parliamentary parties not to create confusion on the matter of military courts. He said that the political use of anti-terrorism courts has created space and need for military courts, adding that those who were part of army rule should have no reason to object to military courts.
Khurram Nawaz Gandapur expressed these views while talking to Ms. Amna Ansari, member of Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly, in his office in Lahore the other day. Ms. Ansari visited the central secretariat of MQI and got life-time membership of the organization.
Khurram Nawaz Gandapur said that the politicians whose conscience is clear should not fear military courts. He said that only 15% of cases currently pending before two anti-terrorism courts pertain to terrorism while 85% cases are of political nature. He said that out of these cases, ten are registered against PAT chief Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri and PTI Chairman Imran Khan. He said that if rulers are really interested in creating national consensus, they should unconditionally withdraw all politically-motivated cases of terrorism against their political opponents.
Speaking on the occasion, Ms Amna Ansar said that a great oppression was committed on June 17 and lack of justice is even greater oppression. She said that barbaric use of force paves the way for extremist attitudes. She said that the nation has borne the brunt of PML-N’s policies. She paid glowing tributes to Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri for his struggle aimed at restoration of rights of the masses and against terrorism. She also prayed for his early recovery.